Thursday, 24 September 2015

Frequently Asked Linux Interview Questions and Answers

31. How is a new user account created?
To create a new user account we must use the useradd command. With no –D option, the useradd the new account is determined by the default system values and the values from the command line. The home directory will be the that of the system default, for making the home directory, the option used is –m.

32. In what way is IMAP different than POP3?
With POP3 the inbox is verified on the server of the mail and the new mails are downloaded on your computer and stored there. With IMAP the mail headers are downloaded on the server and when you click on the mail message you can read it. The storage is made on the mail server in case of IMAP but they can be copied in your PC’s “Local Floder”. So POP3 is useful when u use a single computer for email checking and in this case there is no need to store the messages on the mail server. When you use more than one place or computer to verify your email IMAP is the solution.

33. What type of file server do we have on a Linux server?
The place used for maintaining files for the purpose of being accessed by the network systems is called a file server. The files can receive different access privileges. In Linux there is a software called “samba” for file sharing, file editing and viewing on remote systems that support Windows 9x, Millenium, 2000 and NT or Mac computers. Whwnever we delete a file we may recover it because all the time a backup is made for the files from the file server.

34. What is the meaning of Linux Shell and Shell Script?
These two are a little different because Linux Shell is an interface for command execution and Shell is a user program for command execution. So the Script Shell is obviously a script made for the Shell program, A Shell Script is not hard to be checked for errors, in comparison to other programs that are bigger. Anyway it has a disadvantage: it is a little slow due to new processes that are started for each execution of a shell command.

35. How is the SATA hard disk configuration made when we install Redhat 9?
The driver must be put on a floppy disk, then when setup boots from the CD or DVD at the command promt write dd; later the driver will be loaded from the floppy drive, after this we can use the fdisk or disk druid utilities to configure the partitions. When the drivers setup is automatically the things become simple as in the case of IDE drives, but they can be accessed by /dev /sda, /dev /sdb an so on.

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