Friday 4 September 2015

Physiotheraphy Objective type Questions and Answers

11. What is a physio likely to give you during a session?
A. Your money back
B. Exercise and advice sheets
C. Drugs
D. Food and drink
Ans: B

12. Which of these is an exercise for the knee?
A. Bicep curl
B. Crunch
C. Straight leg raise
D. Pelvic tilt
Ans: C

13. Which of these is NOT an exercise of the knee?
A. Prone knee bend
B. Calf raises
C. Quadriceps tensing
D. Crunch
Ans: D

14. Which of the following is an exercise for the back?
A. Arching
B. Bicep curl
C. Straight leg raise
D. Calf raise
Ans: A

15. Which of the following is NOT an exercise for the back?
A. One leg to chest
B. Two legs to chest
C. Side bend
D. Chin tucks
Ans: D

16. Which of these is a shoulder exercise?
A. Calf raise
B. Arm raise to side
C. Heel slide
D. None of the above
Ans: B

17. Which of these can be done to exercise the hip?
A. Hip flexor stretch
B. Quadriceps stretch
C. Hip flexion
D. All of the above
Ans: D

18. Which of the following is NOt an exercise for the neck?
A. Neck rotation
B. Neck side bend
C. Neck press
D. Chin tuck
Ans: C

19. Which of these exercises may be used for the ankle?
A. Dorsiflexion
B. Plantarflexion
C. Calf raise
D. All of the above
Ans: D

20. Which of these would NOT be used to exercise the ankle?
A. Dumbbell
B. Resistance band
C. Wobble board
D. Stability disc
Ans: A

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