Thursday 3 September 2015

Latest Top Leadership Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

41. Your boss made a bad decision. Do you advise your boss, or just do what you are told ?
A. Advise your boss
B. Just do what you are told
C. Resign, find another job
D. None of these
Ans: A

42. You find out something illegal is going on in your operation, do you blow the whistle, or say nothing ?
A. Say nothing
B. Resign, find another job
C. Blow the whistle
D. None of these
Ans: C

43. Someone who has more skills than you in your own area is looking to join the company, do you push them out, or bring them on ?
A. Push them out
B. Bring them on
C. Resign, find another job
D. None of these
Ans: B

44. Someone has been wrongfully terminated, do you take a stand and say something, or say nothing and save your job ?
A. Take a stand and say something
B. Say nothing and save your job
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job
Ans: A

45. As a team leader, what can you do to encourage leadership potential in your fellow Guiders ?
A. Take time to plan when you can all meet together.
B. Make sure that each leader has the necessary books and resources.
C. Encourage new leaders to use their own talents and skills to enrich your program.
D. All the above
Ans: D

46. You don't like someone in another department, do you make their life miserable, or try to ease the pain ?
A. Make their life miserable
B. Try to ease the pain
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job
Ans: B

47. What are 2 practical ways that you can teach and practice leadership skills with girls ?
A. Include the girls in planning
B. For Pathfinders and Senior Branch Members, give them the freedom to plan and carry out their own ideas. Be there to support, encourage and assist when needed.
C. Assign regular duties for each patrol. If one patrol is responsible for Campfire, then make sure there are resources to use, such as song books, a book of readings, campfire games, a file of songs the girls know, a Guider to assist if needed.
D. All the above
Ans: D

48. Your people are underpaid, do you try to get them more money, or just hope that they won't notice ?
A. Try to get them more money
B. Hope that they won't notice
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job
Ans: A

49. Suggest 3 ways that you can practice Share Leadership with fellow Guiders.
A. Plan together
B. Work together
C. Evaluate together
D. All the above
Ans: D

50. You made a mistake that has a serious impact to the company, do you cover it up, or acknowledge it and try to fix the problem ?
A. Cover it up
B. Acknowlege it and try to fix the problem
C. Resign, find another job
D. Simply start find another job
Ans: B

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