Thursday, 24 September 2015

Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers pdf free download

41. What do we use for managing hash table collisions?
There are two ways of managing hash table collisions: one is open addressing and the other is separate chaining. The first way the data items are moved from the full array they hash to and their new place is another cell from the array. The second way every element of the array is made from a linked list and in this list the data items are moved.

42. How can we recover a file that was deleted in Linux?
We can see what was the partition where the lost file was located with the pwd (means present work directory) and with the unmount command we can unmount the directory. Then the “debugfs” command will manage and repair the majority of sever errors or bugs from Linux. The entire code is: #debugfs /usr/directory name. the next step is using “Isdel”.

43. How can we see the boot messages?
For viewing the boot messages we can use dmesg, a command that prints on the screen the kernel ring buffer messages; the command is to be used just after the boot sequence. The syntax of a ring buffer is like this: dmesg [options]. If dmesg is called with no options the messages from the kernel will be written to the standard output.

44. How do we give a shadow password?
Shadow passwords are given using pwconv command and their purpose is the increase in system security. The file /etc/shadow gets created with that command and modifications are made to the passwords, they will be replaces with “x” in /etc/passwd file.

45. In what way are home directories different from working directory?
The directory over which we as users have the control and when we log in it is the working directory. But the current user working directory is not necessarily the home directory.

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