Thursday 24 September 2015

90 Top Data Structure Objective type Questions and Answers

1. On which prinicple does stack work?
D. Both a and c above
Ans: A

2. Can linked list be implemented using arrays?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A

3. Two dimensional arrays are also called
A. tables arrays
B. matrix arrays
C. both of above
D. none of above
 Ans:  C

4. AVL trees have a faster ________.
A. Insertion
B. Deletion
C. Updation
D. Retrieval
Ans: D

5. Which of the following statements hold true for binary trees?
A. The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key
B. The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
C. Both a and b above
D. Noth left and right subtree nodes contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key
Ans: C

6. The time required in best case for search operation in binary tree is
A. O(n)
B. O(log n)
C. O(2n)
D. O(log 2n)
Ans: B

7. Can stack be described as a pointer?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A

8. What is the pecularity of red blac trees?
A. In red-black trees, the root do not contain data.
B. In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are not relevant and do not contain data.
C. In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are relevant but do not contain data.
D.          Both a and c above
Ans: B

9. Which of the following ways below is a pre order traversal?
A. Root->left sub tree-> right sub tree
B. Root->right sub tree-> left sub tree
C. right sub tree-> left sub tree->Root
D. left sub tree-> right sub tree->Root
Ans: D

10. Which of the following ways below is a In order traversal?
A. Root->left sub tree-> right sub tree
B. Root->right sub tree-> left sub tree
C. right sub tree-> left sub tree->Root
D.       left sub tree-> root->right sub tree
Ans: D

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