Monday 31 August 2015

Best Assistent Architecture Multiple Choice Questions& Answers

31. The maximum velocity of flow is limited to about 3 m/sec, though in practice it should preferably not exceed 
A. 2 m/sec
B. 2.25 m/sec
C. 2.5m/sec
D. 3 m/sec
Ans: B

32. The circular section of a sewer is very common but it is best suitable when diamter is up to
A. 0.75 m
B. 1.25m
C. 1.5m
D. 3m
Ans: D

33. While designing a sewerage system, the span of design period is generally taken as 
A. one year
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. 20 years
Ans: D

35. The longest time without unreasonable delay, the would be required for a drop of water to flow from the upper limit of the drainage area to the point where concentration or the maximum effect of flood considered, is known as 
A. inlet time
B. time of flow
C. time of concentration
D. time-intensity
Ans: C

36. The time required for first drops of rain water to flow from the distant points of water shed to the head of the sewer or drain is known as 
A. inlet time
B. time of flow
C. time of concentration
D. time intensity
Ans: A

37. In question no.89 the R.L of last point 
A. is greater than R.L of first point
B. is same As R.L of first point
C. is smaller than R.L of first point
D. cannot be determined from the given data
Ans: C

40. The distance between centre to centre of two adjacent rivet holes should not be less than 
A. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet hole
B. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet
C. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet head
D. 2.5 times the diameter of rivet
Ans: D

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