Sunday, 1 February 2015

Latest J2ME Interview Questions and Answers (Part4)

31. What is Java Card ?
The Java Card specification allows Java technology to run on smart cards and other small devices. The Java Card API is compatible with formal international standards, such as, ISO7816, and industry-specific standards, such as, Europay/Master Card/Visa (EMV).

32. What is JavaHQ ?
JavaHQ is the Java platform control center on your Palm OS device.

33. What is JCP ?
The Java Community Process (JCP) an open organization of international Java developers and licensees who develop and revise Java technology specifications, reference implementations, and technology compatibility kits through a formal process.

34. What is JDBC for CDC/FP ?
The JDBC Optional Package for CDC/Foundation Profile (JDBCOP for CDC/FP) is an API that enables mobile Java applications to communicate with relational database servers using a subset of J2SE's Java Database Connectivity. This optional package is a strict subset of JDBC 3.0 that excludes some of JDBC's advanced and server-oriented features, such as pooled connections and array types. It's meant for use with the Foundation Profile or its supersets.

35. What is JSR 
Java Specification Request (JSR) is the actual description of proposed and final specifications for the Java platform. JSRs are reviewed by the JCP and the public before a final release of a specification is made.

36. What is KittyHawk 
KittyHawk is a set of APIs used by LG Telecom on its IBook and p520 devices. KittyHawk is based on CLDC. It is conceptually similar to MIDP but the two APIs are incompatible.

37. What is KJava 
KJava is an outdated term for J2ME. It comes from an early package of Java software for PalmOS, released at the 2000 JavaOne show. The classes for that release were packaged in the com.sun.kjava package.

38. What is kSOAP 
kSOAP is a SOAP API suitable for the J2ME, based on kXML.

39. What is kXML 
The kXML project provides a small footprint XML parser that can be used with J2ME.

40. What is KVM 
The KVM is a compact Java virtual machine (JVM) that is designed for small devices. It supports a subset of the features of the JVM. For example, the KVM does not support floating-point operations and object finalization. The CLDC specifies use of the KVM. According to folklore, the 'K' in KVM stands for kilobyte, signifying that the KVM runs in kilobytes of memory as opposed to megabytes.
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