Sunday, 1 February 2015

Java-J2ME Interview Questions and Answer pdf (Part3)

21. What is GPRS ?
The General Packet Radio System (GPRS) is the next generation of GSM. It will be the basis of 3G networks in Europe and elsewhere.

22. What is GSM ?
The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is a wireless network system that is widely used in Europe, Asia, and Australia. GSM is used at three different frequencies: GSM900 and GSM1800 are used in Europe, Asia, and Australia, while GSM1900 is deployed in North America and other parts of the world.

23. What is HLR ?
The Home Location Register (HLR) is a database for permanent storage of subscriber data and service profiles.

24. What is HTTPS ?
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure sockets (HTTPS) is a protocol for transmission of encrypted hypertext over Secure Sockets Layer.

25. What is i-appli ?
Sometimes called "Java for i-mode", i-appli is a Java environment based on CLDC. It is used on handsets in NTT DoCoMo's i-mode service. While i-appli is similar to MIDP, it was developed before the MIDP specification was finished and the two APIs are incompatible.

26. What is IDE ?
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a programming environment as a single application. IDEs typically bundle a compiler, debugger, and GUI builder tog ether. Forte for Java is Sun's Java IDE.

27. What is iDEN ?
The Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network (iDEN) is a wireless network system developed by Motorola. Various carriers support iDEN networks around the world: Nextel is one of the largest carriers, with networks covering North and South America.

28. What is i-mode ?
A standard used by Japanese wireless devices to access cHTML (compact HTML) Web sites and display animated GIFs and other multimedia content.

29. What is 3G ?
Third generation (3G) wireless networks will offer faster data transfer rates than current networks. The first generation of wireless (1G) was analog cellular. The second generation (2G) is digital cellular, featuring integrated voice and data communications. So-called 2.5G networks offer incremental speed increases. 3G networks will offer dramatically improved data transfer rates, enabling new wireless applications such as streaming media.

30. What is 3GPP ?
The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is a global collaboration between 6 partners: ARIB, CWTS, ETSI, T1, TTA, and TTC. The group aims to develop a globally accepted 3rd-generation mobile system based on GSM.
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