26. Suppose currently I am in /home/sandeep/Downloads/abc. After executing cd ../.., where am I now?
A. /home/sandeep
B. /home/sandeep/Downloads
C. /home
D. None of these
Ans: A
27. Suppose I am in /etc directoy, after executing cd .(single dot), where am I now?
A. /etc
B. /(root)
C. /home
D. None of these
Ans: A
28. what is the purpose of -i in rm -i command?
A. It will ask for confirmation before every deletion.
B. It just an extra option
Ans: A
29. mv command can be used to ?
A. Move the file to different directory.
B. Renaming a file
C. Both a and b.
D. Only a.
Ans: C
30. Which of the following command is used to display content of a file in octal format?
A. octal
B. cat
C. oct
D. od
Ans: D
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A. /home/sandeep
B. /home/sandeep/Downloads
C. /home
D. None of these
Ans: A
27. Suppose I am in /etc directoy, after executing cd .(single dot), where am I now?
A. /etc
B. /(root)
C. /home
D. None of these
Ans: A
28. what is the purpose of -i in rm -i command?
A. It will ask for confirmation before every deletion.
B. It just an extra option
Ans: A
29. mv command can be used to ?
A. Move the file to different directory.
B. Renaming a file
C. Both a and b.
D. Only a.
Ans: C
30. Which of the following command is used to display content of a file in octal format?
A. octal
B. cat
C. oct
D. od
Ans: D
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