Monday, 31 August 2015

Aircraft Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

11) Why must you close the left engine's inboard nacelle door prior to operating the APU?
  A. Because it forms part of the APU exhaust ducting
  B. Because it forms part of the APU intake ducting
  C. Because of the location of the APU exhaust
  D. Because of the location of the APU intake
Ans: C

12) How can noise levels be reduced during engine runs?
  A. By installing aircraft engine noise suppression devices
  B. By shutting down the APU after engine start
  C. By running in selected open aircraft run-up areas
  D. By running engines only during daytime hours - from dawn to dusk
Ans: A,C

13) What are the hazards associated with RF radiation?
  A. Damage to the human body/tissues
  B. Ignition of fuel vapors/spark
  C. Accidental firing of electroexplosive devices/EED
  D. All of the above
Ans: D

14) What type of landing gear arrangement does the A-10 have?
  A. Conventional tri-cycle arrangement
  B. Standard nose wheel and truck assembly
  C. Unconventional crosswing-crab steering tri-cycle arrangement
  D. None of the above
Ans: A

15) When the aircraft is airborne, what keeps the MLG strut piston in the fully extended position?
  A. By an internal downlock
  B. By an external downlock
  C. By left system hydraulic pressure
  D. By the pressurized nitrogen inside the strut
Ans: D

16) What supports the combined weight of the wheel, brake and pressurized piston assembly when the MLG shock strut is fully extended?
  A. The shock strut mounts
  B. The shock strut
  C. The gland nut
  D. The trunnion
Ans: C

17) If there is doubt that the drag strut actuator is locked, what can you do to determine whether the actuator lock is fully engaged?
  A. Jack the aircraft and conduct a landing gear retraction/extension checkout
  B. Measure the exposed drag strut piston; less than 1/4" is safe
  C. Measure the exposed drag strut piston; greater than 1/4" is safe
  D. Using a pry bar, apply pressure to the lower side of the drag strut until the downlock segments engage
Ans: B

18) What prevents rotation of the exposed MLG wheel during flight?
  A. The parking brake system pressure
  B. The MLG brake system pressure
  C. The anti-rotation snubber assembly
  D. The weight-on-wheels switch
Ans: C

19) What is used to determine the MLG wheel brake wear?
  A. A brake-wear depth guage
  B. A squeal indicating pin that connects to the pressure plate
  C. A self-adjusting return spring that connects to the pressure plate
  D. A hydraulic pressure safety switch that monitors the amount of fluid pressure required to slow the aircraft
Ans: C

20) How are the NLG centering cams disengaged?
  A. Automatically when there is weight on the nose wheel
  B. Mechanically when there is weight on the nose wheel
  C. Automatically when the gear are lowered
  D. Mechanically when the gear are lowered
Ans: A

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