6. What happens to change documents when they are transported to the production system?
A. Change documents cannot be displayed in transaction 'SUIM' after they are transported to the production system because we do not have the 'befor input' method for the transport. This means that if changes are made, the 'USR10' table is filled with the current values and writes the old values to the 'USH10' table beforehand. The difference between both tables is then calculated and the value for the change documents is determined as a result. However, this does not work when change documents are transported to the production system. The 'USR10' table is automatically filled with the current values for the transport and there is no option for filling the 'USH10' table in advance (for the history) because we do not have a 'befor input' method to fill the 'USH10' table in advance for the transport.
7. What is the difference between the table buffer and the user buffer?
A. The table buffers are in the shared memory. Buffering the tables increases performance when accessing the data records contained in the table. Table buffers and table entries are ignored during startup. A user buffer is a buffer from which the data of a user master record is loaded when the user logs on. The user buffer has different setting options with regard to the 'auth/new_buffering' parameter.
8. What does the Profile Generator do?
A. The Profile Generator creates roles. It is important that suitable user roles, and not profiles, are entered manually in transaction 'SU01'. The system should enter the profiles for this user automatically.
9. How many authorizations fit into a profile?
A. A maximum of 150 authorization fit into a profile. If the number of authorizations exceed this marker, the Profile Generator will automatically create more profiles for the role. A profile name consists of twelve (12) characters and the first ten (10) may be changed when generated for the first time.
10. How we Schedule and administering Background jobs?
scheduling and administrating of background jobs can be done by using tcodes sm36 and sm37
A. Change documents cannot be displayed in transaction 'SUIM' after they are transported to the production system because we do not have the 'befor input' method for the transport. This means that if changes are made, the 'USR10' table is filled with the current values and writes the old values to the 'USH10' table beforehand. The difference between both tables is then calculated and the value for the change documents is determined as a result. However, this does not work when change documents are transported to the production system. The 'USR10' table is automatically filled with the current values for the transport and there is no option for filling the 'USH10' table in advance (for the history) because we do not have a 'befor input' method to fill the 'USH10' table in advance for the transport.
7. What is the difference between the table buffer and the user buffer?
A. The table buffers are in the shared memory. Buffering the tables increases performance when accessing the data records contained in the table. Table buffers and table entries are ignored during startup. A user buffer is a buffer from which the data of a user master record is loaded when the user logs on. The user buffer has different setting options with regard to the 'auth/new_buffering' parameter.
8. What does the Profile Generator do?
A. The Profile Generator creates roles. It is important that suitable user roles, and not profiles, are entered manually in transaction 'SU01'. The system should enter the profiles for this user automatically.
9. How many authorizations fit into a profile?
A. A maximum of 150 authorization fit into a profile. If the number of authorizations exceed this marker, the Profile Generator will automatically create more profiles for the role. A profile name consists of twelve (12) characters and the first ten (10) may be changed when generated for the first time.
10. How we Schedule and administering Background jobs?
scheduling and administrating of background jobs can be done by using tcodes sm36 and sm37
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