Thursday, 5 February 2015

SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf (Part2)

Below are some important SAP SD interview questions which are asked in most MNC company interviews for beginners or professionals.
11. What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used?
i. Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the:
ii. sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales)
iii. plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products)
iv. The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales.
- Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market
combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy.
- Financial Accounting
(FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.

12. Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes.
i. Many to One.

13. What is the central organizational element in purchasing?
i. Purchasing Organization.

14. Explain the relationship
between sales organizations and plants.
i. Many to Many.

15. Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes.
i. Many to Many to One.

16. Can one business area be assigned to several company codes?
Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete?
i. Yes in CO .

17. What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes?
i. Credit control area. Organizational
unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas.

18. Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it.
i. Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or
a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.

19. Give a definition of plant (in SAP).
i. Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects.
ii. A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided.
iii. Classification: Business object
iv. Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles:
v. As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant.
vi. As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale.
vii. As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation.
viii. The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition.
iii. For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation.
iv. The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.

20. Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code?
i. Yes.
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6  Part7  Part8  Part9

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