Sunday, 1 February 2015

Most Frequently asked J2SE Interview Questions and Answers (Part5)

41. What is constructor ?
A pseudo-method that creates an object. In the Java programming language, constructors are instance methods with the same name as their class. Constructors are invoked using the new keyword.

42. What is const ?
A reserved Java keyword not used by current versions of the Java programming language.

43. What is continue ?
A Java keyword used to resume program execution at the end of the current loop. If followed by a label, continue resumes execution where the label occurs.

44. What is conversational state ?
The field values of a session bean plus the transitive closure of the objects reachable from the bean's fields. The transitive closure of a bean is defined in terms of the serialization protocol for the Java programming language, that is, the fields that would be stored by serializing the bean instance.

45. What is CORBA ?
Common Object Request Broker Architecture. A language independent, distributed object model specified by the Object Management Group (OMG).

46. What is core class ?
A public class (or interface) that is a standard member of the Java Platform. The intent is that the core classes for the Java platform, at minimum, are available on all operating systems where the Java platform runs. A program written entirely in the Java programming language relies only on core classes, meaning it can run anywhere. .

47. What is core packages ?
The required set of APIs in a Java platform edition which must be supported in any and all compatible implementations.

48. What is credentials ?
The information describing the security attributes of a principal. Credentials can be acquired only through authentication or delegation.

49. What is critical section ?
A segment of code in which a thread uses resources (such as certain instance variables) that can be used by other threads, but that must not be used by them at the same time.

50. What is declaration ?
A statement that establishes an identifier and associates attributes with it, without necessarily reserving its storage (for data) or providing the implementation (for methods). See also definition.
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6

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