Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Most frequently asked Android Interview Questions and Answers (Page 4)

Below are some important Android interview questions which are asked in most MNC company interviews for beginners or professionals.
16. How is nine-patch image different from a regular bitmap?
It is a resizable bitmap resource that can be used for backgrounds or other images on the device. The NinePatch class permits drawing a bitmap in nine sections. The four corners are unscaled; the four edges a re scaled in one axis, and the middle is scaled in both axes.

17. Explain IP datagram, Fragmentation and MTU?
IP datagram can be used to describe a portion of P data. Each IP datagram has set of fields arranged in an order. The order is specific which helps to decode and read the stream easily. IP datagram has fields like Version, header length, Type of service, Total length, checksum, flag, protocol, Time to live, Identification, source and destination ip address, padding, options and payload.
MTU:- Maximum Transmission Unit is the size of the largest packet that a communication protocol can pass. The size can be fixed by some standard or decided at the time of connection Fragmentation is a process of breaking the IP packets into smaller pieces. Fragmentatio n is needed when the datagram is larger than the MTU. Each fragment becomes a datagram in itself and transmitted independently from source. When received by destination they are reassembled.

18. Explain about the exceptions of Android?
The following are the exceptions that are supported by allow:
* InflateException : When an error conditions are occurred, this exception is thrown
* Surface.Out0fResourceException: When a surface is not created or resized, this extion is thrown
* SurfaceHolder.BadSurface TypeException: This exception is thrown from the lockCanvas()
method, when invoked on a Surface whose is SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS I WindowManager.BadTokenException: This exception is thrown at the time of trying to add view an invalid WindowManager.Layou tParamstoken.

19. Describe Android Application Architecture?
Android Application Architecture has the following components:
* Services ? like Network Operation
* Intent - To perform inter-communication between activities or services
* Resource Externalization - such as strings and graphics
* Notification signaling users - light, sound, icon, notification, dialog etc.
• Content Providers - They share data between applications

20. What are the advantages of Android?
The following are the advantages of Android:
‘The customer will be benefited from wide range of mobile applications to choose, since the monopoly of wireless carriers like AT&T and Orange will be broken by Google Android.
‘Features like weather details, live RSS feeds, opening screen, icon on the opening screen can be customized
Innovative products like the location -aware services, location of a nearbyconvenience Store etc., are some of the additive facilities in Android.
How to select more than one option from list in android xml file? Give an example. Specify android id, layout height and width as depicted in the following example.
More Questions & Answers :-

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