Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Interview Questions for Ab Initio Developer Jobs (Part5)

21. What methods exist for performance tuning?
The best way would be to perform join at the database, the classical way is when we have two tables that we can bring together by making placing a join component between them. Alternately we can write a query to make the join at the level of a database. The advantage is that only one hit is sent to the database instead of two (the classical method). This makes a real difference in improving performance.

22. How can i run the 2 GUI merge files?
Do you mean by merging Gui map files in WR.If so, by merging GUI map files in GUI map editor it wont create corresponding test script.without testscript you cant run a file.So it is impossible to run a file by merging 2 GUI map files.

23. What is the difference between rollup and scan?
By using rollup we cant generate cumulative summary records for that we will be using scan.

24. What does dependency analysis mean in Ab Initio?
Dependency analysis will answer the questions regarding datalinage.That is where does the data come from,what applications prodeuce and depend on this data etc.
We can retrieve the maximum (surrogate key) from the existing data,the by using scan or next_in_sequence/reformat we can generate further sequence for new records.

25. Explain the difference between the truncate and delete commands?
Truncate :
It is a DDL command, used to delete tables or clusters. Since it is a DDL command hence it is auto commit and Rollback can't be performed. It is faster than delete.

It is DML command, generally used to delete a record, clusters or tables. Rollback command can be performed , in order to retrieve the earlier deleted things. To make deleted things permanently, "commit" command should be used.
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5

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