Thursday, 5 February 2015

30 TOP UML Interview Questions and Answers

Below are some important UML interview questions which are asked in most MNC company interviews for beginners or professionals.
1. Difference between Activity and Sequence Diagram.
a. Activity diagram: captures the process flow. They are used for functional modeling.
b. Sequence diagram: the track the interaction between the objects. They are used for dynamic modeling.

2. What is the difference between Activity and sequence diagrams?
The following are the difference between Activity and Sequence Diagrams:
A sequence diagram shows the way of processes execute in a sequence. For example, the order of operations and the parameters.
? An activity diagram depicts the operational workflows.
? A sequence diagram is focused to represent interactions between different objects.
? Activity diagram shows the actions for various objects.

3. Explain the different elements of a Use Case?
Use case diagram is a subset of various behaviour diagrams. Use case diagrams are used to provide concrete examples of the elements which are supposed to implement. It is used to analyze objects.
The following are the elements of the use case diagrams:
Actors: An actor is one of the entities who perform certain actions. These roles are the actual business roles of the users in given system. An actor interacts with a use case of the system. For example, for a banking system, a customer is one of the actors.
Use Case: A use case is a use case diagram of UML represents a business functionality that is distinct. The use case should list the discrete business functionality that is specified in the problem statement. Every business functionality is a potential use case.
System boundary: A system boundary defines the scope of the system. The systems that use cases also need to be defined in the limits of the system. The system boundary is shown as a rectangle that spans all use cases of the system.

4. Brief explanation of all elements in activity diagrams
? Activities: An activity indicates an action that performed in the system.
? Transitions: Transitions are represented by open arrow heads. Transitions are used to indicate the flow among elements in the diagram.
? Decision Points: The logical branching is depicted by the decision points.
? States: A state is shown in a rounded rectangle. States are indicated to mention the mile stones of processing in the activity diagrams.

5. What are the different elements of a collaboration diagram?
? Object: The interaction between objects takes place in a system. An object is depicted by a rectangle with the name of the object, preceded by a colon and underline.
? Relation/Association: Association among objects is linked by connecting them. The cardinality can be depicted by placing qualifiers on either ends.
? Messages: An arrow that commencing from one object to the destination object. This depicts the interaction between objects. The sequence or order of the interaction is depicted by the number.
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6

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