Monday, 9 February 2015

18 TOP Python Interview Questions and Answers pdf

Below are some important Python interview questions which are asked in most MNC company interviews for beginners or professionals.

1) Explain about the programming language python?
Python is a very easy language and can be learnt very easily than other programming languages. It is a dynamic object oriented language which can be easily used for software development. It supports many other programming languages and has extensive library support for many other languages.

2) Explain about the use of python for web programming?
Python can be very well used for web programming and it also has some special features which make you to write the programming language very easily. Some of the features which it supports are Web frame works, Cgi scripts, Webservers, Content Management systems, Web services, Webclient programming, Webservices, etc. Many high end applications can be created with Python because of the flexibility it offers.

3) State some programming language features of Python?
Python supports many features and is used for cutting edge technology.
Some of them are
1) A huge pool of data types such as lists, numbers and dictionaries.
2) Supports notable features such as classes and multiple inheritance.
3) Code can be split into modules and packages which assists in flexibility.
4) It has good support for raising and catching which assists in error handling.
5) Incompatible mixing of functions, strings, and numbers triggers an error which also helps in good programming practices.
6) It has some advanced features such as generators and list comprehensions.
7) This programming language has automatic memory management system which helps in greater memory management.

4) How is python interpreted?
Python has an internal software mechanism which makes your programming easy. Program can run directly from the source code. Python translates the source code written by the programmer into intermediate language which is again translated it into the native language of computer. This makes it easy for a programmer to use python.

5) Does python support object oriented scripting?
Python supports object oriented programming as well as procedure oriented programming. It has features which make you to use the program code for many functions other than Python. It has useful objects when it comes to data and functionality. It is very powerful in object and procedure oriented programming when compared to powerful languages like C or Java.
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