Tuesday, 10 February 2015

100 TOP Networking Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf (Page 1)

Below are some important Networking interview questions which are asked in most MNC company interviews for beginners or professionals.

1. Explain Proxy ARP
It is using a router to answer ARP requests. This will be done when the originating host believes that a destination is local, when in fact is lies beyond router.

2. Explain OSPF
It is an Internet routing protocol that scales well, can route traffic along multiple paths, and uses knowledge of an Internet's topology to make accurate routing decisions.

3. Explain Kerberos
It is an authentication service developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kerberos uses encryption to prevent intruders from discovering passwords and gaining unauthorized access to files.

4. Explain a Multi-homed Host
It is a host that has a multiple network interfaces and that requires multiple IP addresses is called as a Multi-homed Host.

5. Explain NVT (Network Virtual Terminal)
It is a set of rules defining a very simple virtual terminal interaction. The NVT is used in the start of a Telnet session.

6. Explain Gateway-to-Gateway protocol
It is a protocol formerly used to exchange routing information between Internet core routers.

7. Explain BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
It is a protocol used to advertise the set of networks that can be reached with in an autonomous system. BGP enables this information to be shared with the autonomous system. This is newer than EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol).

8. Explain autonomous system
It is a collection of routers under the control of a single administrative authority and that uses a common Interior Gateway Protocol.

9. Explain EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
It is the protocol the routers in neighboring autonomous systems use to identify the set of networks that can be reached within or via each autonomous system.

10. Explain IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)
It is any routing protocol used within an autonomous system.
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6  Part7  Part8  Part9  Part10

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