Friday, 30 January 2015

Basic Fortran Interview Questions and Answers (Part2)

11. What is the advantage of an array over a spreadsheet format? 
Both can store similar types of information in a neatly labeled and organized way. The advantage lies in where they are used. You have more control over how Fortran arrays are used than how the contents of a spreadsheet are used. In addition for any given operation on an array of numbers, once the Fortran is written, it will do the job much faster than a spreadsheet. On the other hand, when operations are not complex and computer execution time is not a problem using the spreadsheet is probably your best bet.

12. How do you use a logical variable? What is stored there? 
Most frequently, logical variables are used in association with IF statements. When you want to set a logical variable LVAR to true you use "LVAR=.TRUE.". For false use "LVAR=.FALSE." In practice the computer usually stores an integer 0 in memory for false and integer 1 for true. The normal logical variable occupies 1 byte of space.

13. How do we know where various steps go in a Fortran program? 
Some commands have special locations, but most are located by the needs of the specific program. The PROGRAM card is always first. Statements giving variable types (INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL, CHARACTER, ...) should precede "executable" statements. The END card must always be at the end of the program unit.

14. What is the difference between IF, THEN and DO WHILE statements. 
IF THEN combined with GO TO statements will let you do anything you want. The DO WHILE and other DO constructs allow you to loop through certain portions of code many times without ever writing GO TO statements. This makes coding slightly simpler, definitely clearer.

15. Where can I get a Fortran Compiler for an IBM PC?
You can pick up one on the internet from the GNU project, but get a better package from MOC for about $80.00.

16. What is the difference between a Function Subprogram and a Subroutine? 
Some of the comments in the textbook are misleading on this subject. There are really only two differences. The biggest difference is that a subroutine never returns a value that is associated with its name. This means that you never need to declare a subroutine name in a type statement (REAL, INTEGER ...). All information coming back from a subroutine passes through the argument list, or something called a COMMON block (later). However, there is nothing in these communications channels that can't be used by a Function Subprogram. A secondary difference is that a Subroutine need not have an argument list.

17. What is the difference between DO, DO WHILE, and IF ( ) GOTO Loops. 
In terms of what the computer actually does, there is generally no difference. You can structure all three so that they do the same thing. When properly indented, the DO structures tend to be easier to follow. The DO WHILE structure can produce slightly more compact coding, combining a straight DO with the option for some extra comparison logic. In a vector and/or parallel computer, DO's send strong hints to the compiler that it should be looking for ways to feed a pipeline or spread calculations over multiple processors.

18. What can I do if my lines wrap around to the next line? 
You have to get a feel for the location of the 72nd character position on the screen, or do a lot ofcounting. Once you hit column 72, you must hit the RETURN key, put some character (I like & or #) in column 6 of the next line then pick up typing where you left off. I usually stop before column 72 at some natural break point between variables:
IF ( (X.LT.2.0.AND.Y.GT.30.0).OR.(X.GT.1000.0.AND.Y.LT.-40.))
Since Fortran tends to ignore blanks, the extra ones in the above 2 lines don't cause problems.

19. Can you give us a complete list of the Fortran commands and what they do? 
Sorry, but there are too many pages involved, and copyright problems with the standard Fortran manuals sold by computer software vendors. You're stuck with the text and Web pages, buying something else from a bookstore, or buying a Fortran package for your PC.

20. How can I format my output to look nicer (clear screen, double space, etc.) 
The best tools within Fortran are the in the FORMAT statement. "X" to add spaces in a line, and "/" to add blank lines on the output. Fortran doesn't know directly about your terminal type, so can't issue a specific screen clear command. You can brute force with "////////////////////////" (24 "/"'s) or call the Unix system as in the following example (note the extra call to get a listing of files after the screen is cleared). When clearing screens it is also useful to learn the Fortran "PAUSE" command to pause execution until you hit the RETURN (ENTER) key. Note that 'call system' is specific to the RS6000's. Other systems often have similar Unix connections.
program test:
call system('clear')
call system('ls -alF')
call system('whoami')
More Questions & Answers :-
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6

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